Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Cassiopeia...The Once Undefeated, Are you broken now?

I need to mention again, I only discovered DBSK (the 5 member DBSK) this year, around September. I am not an official Cassie. But since all who loved these 5 boys call themselves a Cassie, I might be considered as one. Although I may be a noona to most fans, since I am already a working person, not a teenager still in high school or a college student, I am probably a dong saeng in terms of fan-age. Don't think there is such a word "fan-age" but well, whatever. So, since I am a dong saeng fan, it might be rude for me to raise my opinions about fans. But I still need to put my thoughts down to writing.

When I first read about DBSK, I also found out about Cassiopeia. How great they were as a fanclub/ fandom, even getting themselves into Guinness World Record in 2008. I also read how united they were in events, in their love and support for the 5 boys.

But now, as I read in different blogs and forums, all I see is a broken fandom. Some have sworn allegiance to JaeChunSu (JYJ) and bashes HoMin, some who have declared loyalty to HoMin and is determined to ruin JaeChunSu (JYJ), some who have given up and left. Of course there are still some who supports both sides and is either hoping for a reunion or just happy and moving on with the way things are now.

I can just imagine how all the Cassies felt when the lawsuit fiasco happen. Because, even someone like myself who is not a Cassie, who only know DBSK for a mere 3 months is feeling so much for them (DBSK). What more the fans who have been through thick and thin with the boys. Who grew with the boys; some may have been in high school when they started and are now moving on to college, some may have been in college when they started and have now embarked on a working life. Fans who saw the boys achieving success, receiving music awards, bringing glory to the South Korean flag.

To the fans,
I know you have been hurt. I know you felt betrayed (by either JaeChunSu or HoMin; depending who you are not supporting now). I know you feel you need to protect (either JaeChunSu or HoMin; depending on who you support now). I know you have lived in confusion, some for days, some for weeks, some for months, some for years and some are still confused to even this day. I know you have shed countless tears, trust me, I really know. I signed off as Namida, that means tears, in Japanese. As I write this, I am crying. And I am not even writing directly about the 5 boys, I am writing about the fandom, yet I am crying. I know you have been angry, frustrated and helpless, and perhaps in exactly those moments, you made a choice, to choose a side, in order to end the pain. It is OK. It really is.

What is not OK is when the bashing and determination to ruin comes in.

I know I sound naive when I say this, but....
Have you ever considered that, the internet is not limited to only you and I? That the boys have every chance to read it too? They are normal boys too. In a recent interview, Yoochun said these days he have been listening to Linkin Park. So how many of you does? So are you surprised, that Yoochun listens to the same things as you? They are human too. In this whole lawsuit fiasco, there are a lot of things that we do not know, and yet we write as if we and we alone know the absolute truth and nothing but the truth. The 5 boys are public figures, there are things that they cannot say. All the more with the whole legal proceedings going on. JaeChunSu may have a little more freedom in their speech since they are not bound to SM for now (for now, because the injunction granted them a temporary suspension to their contract with SM). But still, I believe they are not telling everything. And they shouldn't be made to. Everyone have their own secrets. And for HoMin side, I would say the limitation on their speech is much much greater since they are still with SM. Please don't try to bash by saying, "they chose to stay, so they should know". We do not know why they chose to stay. Keep an open mind. Put yourself in their shoes, all 5 of them.

To Cassies who bash HoMin or JaeChunSu, you once loved all 5 of them and would never dream to hurt them. And you would not hesitate to fend off anyone who tries to harm them, or make them sad. How do you think HoMin or JaeChunSu feel when they read of your bashings, or when they found out from friends and families. Was your love for them all these while fake? Can love really just turn to hate so easily. Is it really so easy to hate someone. As I write, I try to recall, was there anyone I truly hate? I am glad to say, I can't think of anyone I hate at all. I may have gotten angry or upset at times, but to really hate someone, I don't have the strength to do that. It is tiring to hate someone. I am surprised how some anti-fans can so easily type or say demeaning things or even carry out actions to bring either HoMin or JaeChunSu down.

The HoMin stans claim that JaeChunSu didn't care about HoMin because they started their activities as JYJ, releasing the album "The Beginning". The JaeChunSu stans claim that HoMin have deserted JaeChunSu because they came back as TVXQ Act II and that the lyrics of KYHD was dissing JaeChunSu. And both sides' stans claim that the boys are doing well without the others and do not need or do not want to reunite. Did you really get them from the boys, as their heartfelt emotions? Did you?
The one thing all stans would really agree is probably this: The boys (all 5) love and care for their fans.
What if reuniting was in all the boys' mind? What if none of them have ever forgotten each other? And then they read all this negativity regarding DBSK ever becoming 5 again, how would they feel?

I had initially wanted to include in this post, the emotional happenings like
- the forming of JYJ
- the JYJ album named The Beginning
- the return of TVXQ Act II
- the KYHD lyrics
- the thanking of LSM by Yunho
- the tweets
and many more, but then I realised it would make the post way too long. So, they will probably be in separate posts.

My last words for the fandom, you can choose one side to love unconditionally, but you do not need to bash or ruin the other side. There really is nothing to gain.

And, each time, before you make some comments, tell yourself this: "I don't know the absolute truth"
Even the lawsuit, we have seen the contract, we have seen translated court proceedings, we read tweets, we read about "revealing press conference" and many more, but to me, the entire issue is still shrouded in mystery. What we have seen so far, may well be less than 10%. This is not a jigsaw puzzle that is simply missing one piece, because you can definitely make out what is the picture in the jigsaw if it is only missing one piece. What we have now is only a few pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and these pieces may not even be connecting pieces. You may choose not to agree, that's your choice.

To leave you something to think about:
Is YunJae real?
A classic example of "I thought I knew, I thought I was sure, but damn, I really do not know", and that applies to those who believe YunJae is real as well as those who think YunJae is purely fan service.
And you know what? We, the fans, will never know.

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