Tuesday, 6 December 2011

[Emotional] Junsu's Tweet

On 6th Jan 2011, Junsu tweeted a series of ambiguous tweets. I am going to type out what he tweet, base on the screencap found in Allkpop and put in the translation I got using Google Translate:

1st tweet:
아니라고..아닐거라고..믿어왔는데..우리다섯의 적이라고..똑같이 그렇게 생각했었는데..모두의 적만은 아니였나 봅니다..우리가 같이 적이라고 생각해 왔었던 것들에..감사를 표한다는거...같이 하지 못한 시간동안 많은일이 있었나봅니다..너무 지치네요;
No. .. not me .. that I wanted to believe all five of us... the enemy ... they are all the same so I thought Ithought you view the jeokmaneun enemy, as wethink ... ... thanks to those who had come neungeohours did not like ... a lot's happened to me too tired .. view;

2nd tweet:
좋은것만 생각하고... 듣고.. 보려고 하는데..그렇게 해왔었는데..오늘 만큼은 참 그게 너무나 어렵네요..우리가 떨어져 있어도 ..이건 아니였잖아 형...우리 같은생각이였잖아..왜..왜..그러는거야..
Thinking of a good thing ... Listen ... I'm just trying to see as much as I done it this time. ... That's toodifficult, even if we were apart, it's just not feel like I was your brother ... we're talking ... why ... why ...are you doing that.

3rd tweet:
더 사랑해야지..모든걸 감싸 알아야지..그 전부를 내가 품어야지..그래야지..^^
Ought to love more ... You've got to knoweverything ... it all wrapped born, so .. I hope so .. ^ ^

4th tweet:
그토록 아름다웠던 꿈에 지금은 시련이 온것 뿐이야..꽃이 진후에 우리는 다시시작..다시시작..다시시작..다시..꼭
Now in such a beautiful dream ... the flower trialsNo. It was just a message, we restart .. restart ..restart ... again ... just

Honestly, the translations from Google is kind of mind boggling (to put it mildly) at certain parts. Maybe you want to read how Allkpop translates it.

Basically, from Allkpop, you can see that there is a "hyung" in Junsu's tweet and people are speculating the "hyung" to be Yunho. And the "enemy" is Lee Soo Man. And what people are inclined to decipher is:

Junsu is saying, all 5 of them use to be on the same side, with all thinking LSM is their common enemy. But now, Yunho is thanking LSM and Junsu is appalled by it. He then adds on that a lot must have happened during the time the 5 of them were separated as 3 and 2.

I repeat, the above is what people ARE INCLINED to DECIPHER. They are all speculations. No one knows for sure, because, we are not Junsu.

So what makes people speculate in such a way? Well, because when KYHD was released, Yunho thanked Lee Soo Man in the "Thanks to" section of the album.

#The last tweets are Fallen Leaves#

*Awkward silence*

To be fair to Yunho:
I think thanking Lee Soo Man is something that is default for all SM artiste, be it for album release, concert, performance or even receiving awards. Even if Yunho didn't want to thank LSM, the staff would probably add it in all the same. And honestly, I believe all 5 members of DBSK have at one point in their life thanked LSM before. Most probably more than once. And even expressed how much they love him and respect him and how he is like a father to them. And at those time, people probably didn't think twice and believed whatever the boys said. But from what JaeChunSu did (wanting out of SM), we know things are not always what they seem to be.

To be fair to Junsu:
Its his twitter, his personal space. He can write what he wants, if you don't like it, don't follow, don't read. But the unfortunate case is, Twitter was never personal. It is always public. And Junsu is not some unknown person, he is Xiah Junsu from Dong Bang Shin Ki. People will speculate. And I guess, although Junsu know, SM artiste HAVE TO thank LSM, but to actually know Yunho is thanking him, is another thing altogether. If the tweets are really aimed at Yunho, can you really blame Junsu for getting emotional. Junsu have not always been as open with his emotions as Jaejoong; for him to expose his vulnerability like this, he must have felt very very upset. For those who said he was tactless for doing that, I would like to remind you, every person have a right to express their emotions. Even if the tweet is targeted at Yunho, Yunho didn't say anything, so why are you going ballistic at Junsu. Lastly, you really do not know the whole truth, so who are you to judge.

Just leave the boys' emotions to them ok. We just need to support their music, drama, musical, endorsement etc. Give them some privacy please.

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